If you’re not moving as much as you want to these days, then you will definitely want to try these 5 Ways to Boost Metabolism & Burn Fat Without Working Out.
“LV, how do I boost my metabolism?”
I’ve heard this question ohhhh, maybe half a million times…so let’s answer it with some metabolism boosters you may not have known about!
1 – The Power of Protein
We have to eat, and I personally love food. Simply eating a meal can increase your metabolism for a few hours. This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). It’s caused by the extra calories required to digest, absorb, and process the nutrients in your meal. Protein causes the largest rise in TEF with a 15-30% increase in your metabolic rate. If you’ve followed me for any time at all, you know the magic power is always in the protein!
2 – Drink a Cold One
Proper hydration keeps your metabolism moving along, but did you know that chugging cold water vs room temp water will give you a greater calorie burn? Your body will use extra energy to heat it up to your body temperature. Studies have shown that drinking 17 ounces of water increases resting metabolism by 10-30% for about an hour. So drink up and make it a cold one!
3 – Get Up, Stand Up
Did you know that sitting is being dubbed the “new smoking?” Crazy right? If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, make a conscious effort to simply stand up more. An afternoon of standing at work can burn an extra 174 calories. Hanging out on a conference call while pacing around your office will burn 100 calories in 35 minutes. Standing up once an hour and walking around for 5 minutes will add up to 40 minutes throughout an 8-hour workday – that’s 119 extra calories burned!
4 – Green Tea and Oolong Tea
Green tea and oolong tea have been shown to increase your metabolism by 4-5%, so get cozy with your favorite cup and enjoy! Added bonus – these teas help convert some of the stored fat in your body into free fatty acids, which may increase fat burning by 10-17%.
5 – Get a Good Night’s Sleep
When we lack sleep our entire body suffers! No doubt, sleep deprivation has negative side effects on your metabolism. In addition to that, lack of sleep will increase the hunger hormone ghrelin and decrease the fullness hormone leptin. So it becomes a trifecta of terror on your metabolism!
If you find yourself having a little time for a sweat sesh, focus on HIIT Workouts for maximum burn in less time. The best part of HIIT…the afterburn!
HIIT workouts keep your metabolism revved up way after the last rep…for up to 36 hours of extra burn!
I’ve put together 5 (do anywhere) HIIT Workouts that can be done in under 10 minutes.
Grab them for FREE in the Food + Fitness Survival Kit!
Even on your busiest days, you can squeeze in a few of these metabolism-boosting hacks!
Let me know which ones are your favs!
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See you next week!
LV 💚
Show Notes
Food & Fitness Survival Guide…For When You’re Short On Time!
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