Do you suffer from bloating? Gas? Abdominal pain? Acid Indigestion? Or Reflux? It is estimated that 74% of Americans are living with Digestive issues which total around 70 Million humans! Those numbers are alarming. Yet what’s even more concerning are the unhealthy vehicles that we use for a quick fix that continue to compound the problem.
In this post, I’m going to share my natural and proven healthy remedies to ELIMINATE and HEAL your digestives issues once and for all! I’m also going to make you aware of a few lifestyle habits that add fuel to the misery of digestive fires.
You could have the most kick-butt nutrition plan, perfectly portioned macros, and precisely timed meals, but if your digestion is on the struggle bus then so are any desirable changes in your body.
Hats off with loads of respect for our digestive system… it’s kinda a huge big deal.
Rewind back to high school health class. Digestion is the complex process of turning food into nutrients, which the body uses for thousands of processes that help you survive and thrive. Here are the cliff notes on how things work.
- Digestion starts in our mouth and ends 30 ft. later at our anus
- Digestion starts in the mouth via enzymes on some nutrients
- We chew
- We Swallow
- Food enters the esophagus and travels to the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
- Once thru the LES, food enters the stomach
- The stomach turns food into a paste or liquid via powerful acid and enzymes.
- Food is then released from the stomach into the small intestines.
- Small Intestines continue to breakdown food with the help of the liver and pancreas
- The end of the small intestines absorbs nutrients into the bloodstream
- What’s left over is waste that travels into the large intestine and gets ‘packaged’ for an easy and convenient bowel movement.
Even simplified, you can appreciate its complexity.
Frequently, the issue here is the relaxing of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter, which allows your stomach acid to travel up your esophagus and burn your throat. This happens frequently in pregnancy because the stomach is pushed upwards and there is less gravity in play. If this is an issue for you getting it under control is important for many reasons, but mainly…it just doesn’t feel good!
Here are a few lifestyle habits that add fuel to the misery of digestive fires.
Consider these things: YOU will know what is best for YOU
- Lower or cut out your caffeine (it relaxes the LES)
- Space exercise at least 30 min away from eating
- Eat smaller portions (the size of your fist)
- Avoid eating too close to bedtime/sleep slightly elevated
- Try to add more fiber to your diet
- Take some time to manage your stress levels
- Choose leaner proteins
- Increase water intake and stay hydrated
- Limit alcohol
- Cut out high (trans or saturated) fat foods
- Alkalinize your stomach acid by taking a TBLSP Apple Cider Vinegar prior to eating. (Bragg’s ACV can be found at just about any grocery store)
- Aloe Vera Juice soothes inflamed esophagus and stomach lining (Look for ‘whole Leaf’- I like Lakewood Brand or Lily of the Desert)
- 1 TSP Baking Soda in 6oz. of water is a quick natural healthy antacid
- Fennel, Anise, or Chamomile Tea or Tincture
- Add a morning probiotic to your routine, commit to at least 3 months daily (here’s a brand I love that’s safe for the whole family)
Remember that bloat, gas, indigestion, and acid reflux can happen because your stomach isn’t producing enough acid and enzymes to properly breakdown your food.
If you pass the checklist test above and your still experiencing bloat, gas, indigestion, constipation, or diarrhea then consider adding a digestive enzyme to your world ASAP so you can go back to loving life and absorbing nutrients without the digestive woes. Here is a brand that I love and use 2x per day with my largest meals.
Here are a few of the hot tea product suggested above that I use… you will love the results!
Great info Lauren! Thank you! B L O A T can ruin a girl’s day for sure!! xo
Oh for sure! There are such easy healthy fixes too… but we don’t know what we don’t know! Thanks for following along!