The top tips to know so you’re not fooled by marketing when choosing the most effective safe sunscreen.
Let’s dive in to see if your summer sunning routine needs an upgrade.
Summer is here! Let’s cover the hot topic of sunscreen so you don’t have to ‘sweat’ about it on the first sunny day out!
I’m always looking for clean non-toxic finds. Sunscreen is a tricky one. I want not just safe, but obviously effective, must smell good, be easy to apply, and without the white marshmallow afterglow.
In this weeks episode, we will discuss:
- Skin Cancer Risks
- Greenwashing sunscreens, what not to buy
- Mineral vs. Chemical Sunscreen Safety
- Sunscreen and Environment Safety
- LV approved and safe for the whole family
Nothing feels better than that first few minutes in the sun on a beautiful day. Feeling the sun’s rays warmth on your skin as it touches happy places in your soul. This, we can all agree on.
We know the importance and health benefits provided by vitamin D. Yet on the flip side repeat sun exposure ages our skin quickly and increases risk of skin cancer. Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer. However, episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can raise the risk of developing melanoma. So Mommas and Daddys go ahead and fight that squirmy baby fight to get the sunscreen on those cuties!
It’s important to choose sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection.
When safe mineral options are available and cover UVA and UVB we are always gonna opt for the mineral options.
*(remember just because something is natural or organic doesn’t always mean its SAFE for human use. An example I like to use to explain this is ‘Lead’. Lead is natural and Organic and commonly found in high concentrations in red-pigmented cosmetics. However, lead is super toxic to humans.)
Mineral sunscreens normally use zinc or titanium dioxide to physically block UVA and UVB rays by sitting on top of the skin creating a barrier.
Chemical sunscreens actually absorb the sun’s rays which are as concerning as it sounds. Chemical sunscreens contain a combo of chemicals like oxybenzone, octinoxate (octyl methoxycinnamate), octisalate, octocrylene, avobenzone, and homosalate. Many of these are endocrine and hormone disruptors.
Obviously, awful for little ones with rapidly developing endocrine systems. Yet in adults, these chemicals specifically target thyroid disruption and mimics a weak estrogen and particularly cause androgenic disruption.
Here is my shameless plug for Mother Earth. I believe we are responsible to make smart choices for ourselves and for our environment. The choices we make ultimately recycles back to us anyway and our future generations.
Due to the devastating effects on the coral reefs and marine life living there, In July of 2018 Hawaii banned two chemical sunscreen ingredients from being sold. Key West quickly followed suit. All bans will be in effect at the beginning of 2021. It is estimated that 6,000 TONS of sunscreen is washed into the coral reefs each year!!
Non-Nanotized mineral sunscreens meaning ingredients are 100 nanometers in diameters or more have zero impact on the coral reefs.
Active Ingredients: Mineral Sunscreens will list zinc and or titanium dioxide ONLY. Be careful of labeling that says MINERAL BASED. That normally means that the mineral-based ingredients have been mixed with chemical sunscreens.
Water Resistance: Remember waterproof isn’t a real thing. Sunscreens can only claim water resistance if they have undergone the 45-80minute testing. If it isn’t clearly labeled then it will probably wash or sweat right off.
Broad Spectrum: This is important, make sure that your chosen sunscreen blocks UVA and UVB rays!
Remember, You can use the EWG to check ingredient safety HERE. The ‘Think Dirty’ app is a great resource to add to your phone. The EWG also has a list of their favorites. Remember, you want your item to rank a 3 or below! Don’t fall for the item ‘greenwashing’. Greenwashing is where the packaging is intended to look all-natural/safe.
I have my favorites!
These cover all of my must-haves…which is tall order!
- Mineral Based
- Broad Spectrum covers UVA + UVB
- Non-Nanotized and Environmentally Safe
- Smells Great
- No Chalky White Residue
- Sprays + Rub On’s
Check them out in the show notes below!
Share with me your favorite sunscreen and did you get to check it out on the EWG site?
If you grabbed value here, make sure you share it and I’ll see you next week. 💚
Is Your Product Safe?
If you’d like to check out your products and see exactly how safe it is then you’ll love this site. Remember when you’re checking your product you’d like it to be a 3 or under. ~ CHECK IT OUT HERE.
My Favorite & Safe Sunscreens
I’m always looking for clean non-toxic finds. Sunscreen is a tricky one. I want not just safe, but obviously effective, must smell good, be easy to apply, and without the white marshmallow afterglow and I got you covered. ~ CHECK IT OUT HERE.
1 comment
Do you know of any sunscreens that don’t turn you orange?