Take a deep breath because if you struggle with body image this will help!
If you’ve been on a health journey, any approaching holiday or event can bring some extra anxiety. Maybe you don’t trust yourself to indulge just once? Maybe you haven’t hit your goals (yet!) and feel like you don’t deserve to enjoy the extra goodies? Maybe you have had incredible success, but will be questioned and criticized for changing your lifestyle? Maybe you just don’t feel comfortable in your skin?
Stop for a sec and feel the love I am sending you right now!
Take a big breath, smile, and take this advice to heart.
Be kind to yourself today. Shower yourself with some compliments about the exact things you love about yourself and your body…the things that make you, YOU!
Put on an outfit that makes you feel fan-freaking-tastic! It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you feel amazing wearing it!
Holidays are just that – DAYS. Remember that 1-2 days out of 365 days in a year is less than half of a percent of the year. Now, this isn’t a math lesson, but that less than half of a percent doesn’t deserve to steal your joy!
Ask yourself a couple of things if you feel anxious about food choices…
- Will you choose foods that taste good to you?
- Will you enjoy the meal?
- Will you spend time and make memories with your family, friends, and loved ones?
Some of the greatest stories and memories are recalled in the conversations around big (or small) tables filled with food, love, and laughter.
BONUS! Consider the big meal a refueling day! You will feel so STRONG and SO amazing in all your workouts from all that delicious food!
Ghost the scale the next few days. The scale might be elevated temporarily, but know that you cannot gain weight from just a few meals of eating more food than your norm. I promise you’ll be back to your usual self before you know it.
It sounds cliche, but every day is a new day! We get to reset and restart! Lean back into your usual habits, nutrition, and fitness. Even if you don’t workout today, focusing on hitting your protein goals, drinking plenty of water, and getting 7K-10K steps will have you feeling better in no time
If you WANT to get your body moving, keep it simple and quick. Do not “punish” yourself with a 2-hour workout!
I’m sharing 5 super-fast and super-charged HIIT workouts to keep you out of a funk! Grab them here (insert link)
Enjoy your people, soak up the love, and celebrate every day!
You deserve happiness in this life!
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See you next week!
LV 💚
Show Notes
Food & Fitness Survival Guide…For When You’re Short On Time!
FREE access to 5 (do anywhere, fat-torching) HIIT Workouts plus 10 Instant Pot Recipes HERE!